It always seems like it goes by so fast. Afraid to blink because you might miss out on something special. I always felt like helping to care for my sisters (being almost 12 years older than they were) had prepared me for being a Mommy to someone else in the future.
I don't think anything could have prepared me.
And I was certain when my second pregnancy mirrored my first that I was expecting another girl. So when the ultrasound tech told me she recognized "little boy parts", I asked her to make sure.
I wasn't having a boy.
What was I going to do with a boy? I didn't know anything about them!
And then I remembered what I told Gracie when she was devastated with the news that the baby sister she had prayed for was in fact a
boy. "We don't have control over stuff like this. God gives us what he wants us to have."
I think God gave us exactly what we needed two years ago today. When at 7:51 AM on August 10, 2009, all 8 lbs. and 8 ounces of James Edward Nelson made his screaming appearance into this world.

It was so unexpected. While we had a hard time with some colic issues in the beginning, James really seemed like a pretty laid-back baby. And for the most part he has turned into a laid back toddler. He likes to make people laugh. He is very sweet in terms of sharing hugs and kisses. He follows his big sister around so much she might as well have a shadow.
The first time I talked to my mom and she had seen a picture of him at birth, she just kept saying: He looks just like you!! People who have seen me with James call him my Twin or my Look-A-Like.
He likes to sing. I don't mean he knows the words, but I can tell there are certain songs he picks up on. And he loves, loves, loves to stand onstage at church with a
real microphone (not the fake one they try to pass off) and mimic the other people who are singing.
Unlike his big sister James will eat just about any vegetable or bean you put in front of him. He doesn't appear to be a fan of meat unless it involves a cheeseburger or chicken nugget. He loves raspberries, yogurt, and macaroni and cheese. He wants anything you have. He likes to walk around the house in other people's shoes and talk on any sort of phone you have available. He usually doesn't like talking on the phone when there is a real person on the other end of the line. He thinks our computer's name is "Tina" (or maybe that's just because we talk to Aunt Tina on Skype and he has made the association).
We just recently moved into our big boy bed and James appears to be doing really well with that.
He has turned into a character over the last few months. And his verbal skills have improved tremendously since he had surgery to place tubes in his ears back in May.
This post is to celebrate one of the most wonderful ways God showed me that sometimes what we least expect can be one of the best surprises. I received that surprise two years ago today, when one little boy changed my heart.

"I pray that God will fill your heart with dreams.
And that faith gives you the courage to dare to do great things.
I'm here for you, whatever this life brings.
So let my love give you roots and help you find your wings."
Mark Harris (Find Your Wings)
Happy Birthday, sweet boy. Mommy loves you!