Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Consider the Source (Lysa TerKeurst)

This just spoke to me, so I had to share it. To give proper credit, you can check out Lysa's blog!

Precious sister, do you want to make Jesus smile today? I do.

I want to untangle the thoughts of me and mine and what I have going on and think of another. A sister. A neighbor. A woman at work. A stranger.

I want to give her a gift of my words. Words formed because I thought of her. And those thoughts exploded into a compelling reason to love her.

But, I’m not talking about someone who is easy to love.

I’m saying give this gift to someone who has hurt me, misunderstood me, judged me, wronged me, or flat out offended me.

Yes, that’s the one to whom the gift should go.

“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse,” (Romans 12:14).

Do you care to join me?

To do this, we must dare to pray.

Pray for an authentic heart while doing it. Not that we welcome that person into our inner circle and start doing daily life with them. But, offering love when most would scorn or ignore is beautiful and rare.

Dare to pray for an overwhelming sense of love. Not love for the ugliness that has come from this person but love for the soul God created within them. She is His. He loves her. He treasures her even when He doesn’t approve of her actions.

He treasures us even when He doesn’t approve of our actions.

And I wonder in the midst of giving what we might perceive as an undeserved gift of love to them, if our eyes might be opened to a different perspective. If we might see something we desperately need to see. About her. About ourselves. About our Jesus.

“But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” (Matthew 5:44).

I’ve often been reminded when someone says something ugly about me to consider the source.

Great advice.

But wouldn’t it be wonderful if a person receiving an undeserved gift of love from me, considered the source. And saw not me. But the Jesus that reigns inside of me.

“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized they were ordinary, unschooled men, they were astonished and took note that these men had been with Jesus,” (Acts 4:13).

Oh, let it be so noted with my life… my words… my love for those that love me… and even more my love for those who don’t. That yes, I have been with Jesus.



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