What I may have forgotten to mention is that Lily's Mom, Heidi, and I have never once met in person.
It's kind of that whole "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" thing. Heidi found my blog through the blog of Leigh Graham, a church friend of mine who loves to make clothes for children. It just so happens, that is one of Heidi's passions as well. And then when Leigh and Heidi became blog friends, Leigh found out (through Heidi) that her husband, Buddy, had actual taught my sister-in-law, Tara, back in high school.
Small world, right?
Anyway, some friends of the Murphy family hosted a Welcome Home party to welcome one of God's little miracles home. I happen to walk in just as Buddy was speaking to everyone in the room about how appreciative the family is for all the prayers, the cards, and even the random acts of kindness. And Buddy says that those random acts of kindness still continue! He jokingly told us how he attempted to thank every single person on Facebook who had prayed, sent cards, driven all the way to the hospital to visit, and then how Facebook would terminate his account for "spam"!
Here are some pictures of the kids from the afternoon at the Murphy home:
Gracie, Lily, and James. Lily is wearing a cinderella dress. When we arrived, all the little girls that were already there were playing dress up.
Gracie and Lily enjoying playtime with some Polly Pockets.
We may have to invest in some Polly Pockets for our house!
James, trying on a hat! I snapped the picture just before he snatched the hat off his head.
It was nice to meet the Murphy family in person for the first time, and to see that Lily was doing so well. Heidi and I talked about getting the girls together for a playdate, which I am super excited about :)
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