I don't know about anybody else, but the heat and humidity here in Alabama has been a little on the ridiculous side. Like, I break a sweat (no joke!) walking from my car to the door of my place of employment pretty often. It's insane!
So since the kids are in summer camp and just hanging out at daycare, I keep them home with me when I am off on Tuesdays. Most recently, I decided that Gracie and I would have a "Princess Movie Day" when we were home. Of course, movie day had to take place after James was down for his nap - who wants Babbling Baby to interrupt our movie time?
I went by the gas station closest to our house, bought some M&Ms, and asked the attendant if she would mind if I took two of her foam cups, lids, and straws (you know, for the complete movie experience!). I popped a bag of popcorn in the microwave, and poured it into a bowl.
I had a free code from Redbox, and we rented "The Princess and the Frog". I went through my closet, where my sisters keep some of their old dresses, and found a dress that belonged to Tina. Gracie put that on, and then her Cinderella slippers, and to complete it - her Fancy Nancy crown.
Gracie and I were not very impressed with the movie, but might be using our Movie Day ideas again. I liked that the music in the movie - the movie was based out of New Orleans - was authentic, but the story itself was kind of boring.
But we enjoyed having time together, sharing popcorn and M&Ms, and staying inside where it was nice and cool!
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